Sun- and Time Path 2000
in Heidenheim an der Brenz
home the design description execution chronology

***initiative**celestial sphere**clay tablets**bronze tablets**planning***financing***


Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Zag initiated the Sun and Time Path 2000.
He is the author of the first designs of the sundial and the subsequent extension.
It was his goal to bring together all generations, from children to seniors, to work on a common project.
This is certainly a good starting point for the acceptance of the Heidenheim sundial by its citizens.

The concept was then adopted by a project group at the Heidenheim Seniors' Academy and taken to fruition.
Very quickly it became a community focus group, spanning generations, which has already accomplished a great deal.

Soon the association "Förderkreis Sonnen- und Zeitpfad 2000 e.V." was founded. The main activity of the members was foremost advertisement for the installation among the citizens and businesses, in order to secure donations. Also many experts were here involved.

committee expanded committee
Staff in the association
from left: Claus Naumann (technical chairperson), Heinz Zag (first chairperson), Inge Wegerhoff (treasurer), Otto Benz (second chairperson), Traute Zag (secretary)
Expanded staff


The performers, and what they have accomplished
Celestial sphere
Apprentices of Voith in front of their celestial sphereThe celestial sphere is a structure which is complicated and difficult to manufacture.
Under the instructions of their master Maier and using stainless steel, the apprentices of the company Voith accomplished the task with great motivation.
The blue globe in the middle, the symbol for our earth, was made from fibreglass by the company Christian Maier.


     Clay tablets

concentrated in their workMr. Zag with one of the ceramic plates
The twelve plates with the signs of the zodiac were designed with great enthusiasm and imagination by children, and later cast in clay and fired. Here you can see some of them.
The children were guided by the experienced ceramics artist Ulrike Beulich-Pfeiffer in the framework of the association "Kinder und Kunst" (Children and Art).


   Bronze tablets

The symbols for the 25 tablets of the time path were selected by a focus group of the Seniors' Academy in Heidenheim after intensive discussions which lasted for several months.

Project group at the Schiller Gymnasium

During the Project Days 1999 the students of the Schiller Gymnasium, together with their arts teacher, converted the symbols into recognizable images and shaped them in clay. They mastered this task with great skill and enthusiasm.

The tablets are now being cast in bronze by the company
Karl Widenmann.
Guss bei Fa. WidenmannHere you can see some of the tablets.



Planning and cost estimates were the responsibility
of the architect Stephan Wittmann.
Frieder Widmann oversaw the construction of the structure.


The total cost for the project were estimated to be around DM 200,000 (approx. US$ 100,000 or Euro 100,000). The city council had approved the plan under the condition that the association "Sonnen- und Zeitpfad 2000 e.V."  could raise half of these costs through donations from businesses and private people. Only then would it be ready to free the second half which stems from a will.
The construction was the responsibility of the association. The city provided the ground and takes over the running expenses.

We would like to thank all of you who have helped us in numerous ways!

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